What do I believe...
It's wise to be willing to unknow & unlearn what we think we know. To maintain a sense of humor and attempt to understand that how we do one thing is how we do everything.
The physical part of the practice is only a slice of the pie. I'm less interested in a fancy pose and more interested in how we treat ourselves along the way. I believe that the practice is linked with life and how we measure ourselves on the mat, is how we measure ourselves in every day life. I believe in the power of yoga and it's healing abilities to help us see through the muck. It's a daily practice of self-development that helps us connect to an inner strength we already have within and just like treasure, it's not at the surface. It requires some digging.
Why do I love the practice of yoga...
Many reasons! Aside from the obvious physical benefits, yoga teaches us to drop the stories we drag around and how we can expand into our inherent potential. It teaches us compassion, forgiveness and how to accept ourselves just as we are. If we are willing to study the self, we begin to understand that we have to experience all the feels to gain wisdom, not just the ones we like. The key is to remember that the injury, obstacle, challenge can be a blessing if we allow it to teach us. The continual practice is how stay open and graceful when turds are hitting the proverbial fan.
What's the background story...
A costume designer for 25 years in the film biz NYC...yoga started as a workout and I thought downward facing dog was nothing short of torture. I eventually got hooked on fast, hot, power yoga and after some serious low back issues, discovered the healing art of Iyengar. Now? My practice as well as what I teach is a magical mix that's playful yet precise, slow, steady, deep and ever evolving.
My mentors...
You guessed it: the most challenging teachers I can find to teach me the art of living fully. The ones who inspire me to continually dig deeper and that there's a limitlessness to the practice. There have been many along the path so far, but some of my main influences have been and still are: Nikki Costello- for her invaluable guidance linking the Iyengar practice with life; Gulnaz Dashti in India for her vast knowledge & disciplined teachings, Lara Warren for her brilliance of anatomy, Genny Kapuler for her poetic grace and devoted teachings, Nevine Machan at Katonah for her Taoist, geometrical teachings and pranayama.
"Ayun aprendo" (I am still learning) -Goya
"It takes a lifetime to learn how to play like yourself" Miles Davis